Current Publications

Child Development for Teachers in Southern Africa (2024)
ISBN: 978-1-9989-5318-9
Recommended retail price: R485
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- Download the table of contents (558 KiB)
- Download the bibliography (624 KiB)

Child and Adolescent Development (2024) (3rd ed. First reprint with changes)
ISBN: 978-0-8688-6875-2
Recommended retail price: R485
- View the cover
- Download the table of contents (982 KiB)
- Download the bibliography (47 KiB)

Adult Development and Ageing (2019) (2nd ed.)
ISBN: 978-0-8688-6857-8
Recommended retail price: R430
- View the cover
- Download the table of contents (880 KiB)
- Download the bibliography (3.8 MB)

Human Development for Students in Southern Africa (2024) (2nd ed. First reprint with changes)
ISBN 978-1-9989-5326-4
Recommended retail price: R729
- View the cover
This book is a duology consisting of Child and Adolescent Development (3rd ed., First reprint with changes) and Adult Development and Ageing (2nd ed), which are also available individually. Owing to the topics covered, there is some overlapping, but this is relatively minimal.
The books are available at all main academic bookshops. Selected e-books are available for online purchase on Snapplify.
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